Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What is Up?

I really am not sure how to answer that question. I have been going througha funky weird season and I really don't even know how I got here. I was going along great and then all of a sudden I started getting attacked on all sides it's weird. I guess I still have a lot to learn or else it wouldn't affect me so much. To my friends who read this, I am sorry if I have not been very fun to be around lately.

I am looking forward to my race this weekend with Dex. It has been a good way to spend time with her in non threatening way. Running is fun and it gives us both a chance to talk with one another. I really don't know what to do about her because I know how I feel but I don't want to mess up our friendship. I just want to build it and let it develop but I am so impatient and I have a hard time holding back what I really want to say sometimes. I know I'm not supposed to do that yet but will I ever know when the right time is??? Will that right time ever come or am I just blinded by my feelings??? It is a hard place to be in.

Yesterday we had the last of our Healing Rooms interviews and now I can start making the schedule for the new Healing Room in Ballard. I am excited about that because it will give me more opportunities to pray for people. My friends George and Megtar are very special to me they have given me so much in friendship and I just want to say to them specifically thank you for being my friends.

Ok enough randomness, I am just pouring out thoughts that are on my mind.

The Toph

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