Saturday, June 23, 2007

Godly Movie and Gosh this movie!!

Tonight after getting done with my work I went over to Ballard to watch a movie. Since I didn't want to watch one alone I called Boptimus Prime and asked him if he wanted to go. I was going to see Ocean's 13 but he had already seen it so I compromised and watched Evan Almighty. I was a little leery of this movie because it looked like maybe it was going to be a spoof about God or something. It actually turned out to be a pretty clean movie. I actually ended up liking it, it was predictable and a little cheesy but it was funny and didn't have the sexual innuendo so it was good.

After it was over I went up to the North Compound to see what was going on. The only person I found was Preggo (current nickname) aka Swweeet Melissa but that was cool because she wanted to go get some fruit at Ballard Market. So Bop, Swwwweeeetttt Mel, and I went to the Market. When we got there we got a surprise, Nia was working. I bought a peach it was delicious. Nia actually got off work right after she helped us and we gave her a ride home because she had her bike and was not feeling well. She wanted to get the movie "The Fountain". We got it and took it to George's apartment to watch. Skate or Live!!, Nia, and I watched the movie. I really thought to myself dang this movie is kinda boring, it put me to sleep several times eventually I was so tired I left before it was over and that's my story for the day.

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